Robots in disguise.

This is a little late, but I saw Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon movie last Thursday (not in 3D), I just hadn’t had time to post about it yet.  This is the latest of Michael Bay’s explosive installments in the Transformer’s series.  I hear this is supposed to be the last of the Transformers movies, but I’m not quite sure if I believe it. 
The third film starred the always entertaining Shia Labeouf, and replacing Megan Fox (telling the media your boss is like Hitler is a sure way to get fired) was Victoria’s Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.  Though it was a nice departure from the abrasive (and toe-thumbed) Megan Fox, I still wasn’t thrilled with the female lead in this movie.  I think her acting was fine - better than I expected even -I just found her character to be so ridiculous.  She was constantly walking around like she was modeling for the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, she had an insane job that definitely doesn’t exist with a way-too ignorant attitude about her bosses’ obsession with her. Also, her face was weird to look at.  She has humungous lips.  Makes me uncomfortable. 
Something I liked in this movie is the way it sort of re-wrote part of history to tell the story.  X-Men: First Class did the same thing, just not as well as Transformers.  Both story lines are flat out ridiculous, but I think Transformers pulled off the insanity better by sticking closer to the facts. 
The worst part of this movie is how damn long it is.  Watching robots fight, crush cars, smash buildings and jumble around the screen for THREE HOURS isn’t my idea of a great time.  I think they could have cut it down a bit which would have made it just a fun play-date instead of a lengthy and tiring chore.  I only love robots in short increments.
Overall the movie had great special effects, the acting was fine, and it was entertaining.  You just need to decide if you can sit through the whole thing!


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